Kids should be working on math homework every night. They are given each lesson's assignment as we complete the lesson in class. Please check planners regularly to know which problems are assigned on a given night.

Students should start all of the problems the night they are assigned. I then take questions the next day in class to address any unclear directions or difficult steps in finding solutions. They can then edit or finish problems the next night. 

Absent? Lost work?

Below are the classwork and homework documents for each module and lesson. The document often contains an exit ticket as well. This portion does not need to be printed nor should it be done at home.

Module 5: Application and Synthesis of Functions

Module 4: Quadratic and Polynomial Functions

Module 3: Linear and Exponential Functions

Module 2: Descriptive Statstics

Module 1

Main Calendar


Teacher Appreciation Week

Start: May 6, 2024 End: May 10, 2024

Multi-Day Event


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